My hope is through sharing the following FAQs -
It builds a stronger foundation for open, honest and clear communication.
It creates a more stable footing for us to potentially work together.
It saves us time and energy, since there will be less of a need to go through each question.
It offers you greater clarity, willingness and momentum to dive into your energetic health.
It shares my perspective of Surrender to Soul Healing Work - from a sincere, loving and compassionate place.
Don’t hesitate to contact me or schedule your complimentary phone consultation to discuss the following or additional questions with me.
I practice a combination of energetic, intuitive, shamanic and somatic healing that is filtered through a client-tailored, modern and naturally therapeutic approach.
I utilize a variety of techniques and modalities for each client depending on their specific needs - Sessions include any combination of energetic conversation, meditation, breathwork, a medley of healing techniques, and more. I meet each client where they 'are', and we take it from there.
I value transparency within the work - I inform clients of what areas/energies we are working with, why we are working with them and how we are working with them. This is a co-creative process between client and practitioner. As we uncover, discuss and work with energy, we also honor the journey of the client (and myself) with integrity. I believe it’s necessary for energies to be clarified and articulated as we work with them, so we can be on (as much) of the same page as possible with the utmost understanding and consent. This also helps to bridge the gap between Mind, Body and Soul/Spirit.
It’s integral that the work is in direct alignment with each client’s needs, intentions, timing and readiness, so that it’s performed and received in a way that is most easeful, graceful, functional, sustainable and beneficial for the client and for all.
The root word of 'heal' comes from the Old English word 'hælan' which means 'to make whole, sound and well.'
In order to make whole, one must tend to what inhibits wholeness.
Healing takes place wherever there is a limitation, influence, dysfunction or imbalance that has created an unnecessary or unbeneficial wound, imprint or pattern that's woven into one's energy or Spirit.
Shamanically, these are known as the 'spiritual ailments' or 'shamanic illnesses' that everyone experiences to some capacity throughout life. These ailments include Power Loss (the loss of lifeforce), Soul Loss (the loss of essence), Intrusion (an occurrence when energy that is foreign takes root within) and Block (the areas where energy/awareness cannot pass through).
It's very common to lose energy, whether willingly or unwillingly, knowingly or unknowingly, through life experiences that are difficult or traumatic. The loss of energy is how the body survives. It's also common to give energy away which also results in a loss. When we give energy away, we offer lifeforce or soul energy to the 'other', which in turn fuels it - whether it be a loved one, a career, a situation, etc. We cannot be whole, or heal, if we are missing our intrinsic power or soul energy.
It's also very common to accumulate energy that is foreign, whether from our family, peers, society, culture, etc. This inhibits and clouds authenticity since the foreign energy influences self through occupying space within. Foreign energy has a level of 'say' over the holder. This means it influences the quality or functionality of mind, body, emotions and Spirit. Sandra Ingerman, a talented shamanic teacher and practitioner, shares that foreign energies create unstable territories within, which in turn create fertile ground for further dis-ease or imbalance to potentially grow from those territories. How can we be whole if we are not energetically authentic? We cannot be whole, or heal, if we have a surplus of foreign energy that inhibits well-ness.
A block is when we're not able to access, bring awareness to or flow through something within. Blocks need to be illuminated or clarified so that healing or growth can occur.
A level of openness and readiness is required to heal - which is ultimately known as vulnerability. Dr. Gabor Maté defines vulnerability as the capacity to be wounded, which every human inherently has. He shares that if we look to nature, vulnerability is crucial for growth - much like a tree will grow only where it is soft and green and not where it dense and hard.
We cannot heal the areas of energy that we resist or avoid being vulnerable with. Unfortunately, time does not heal old wounds from months, years, decades, generations or lifetimes, although it can cover, mask or avert the pain. Healing will not coexist with stiffness, closeness or avoidance. This is often a form of 'protection' that although encloses the wound/ailment, it does not give adequate space to address or move through it fully. Often there is a process of unpacking learned protective mechanisms that inhibit fullness or wholeness of healing.
In my opinion, as long as we work with what we need to work with, all in our own unique way, healing will occur. I believe it is our birthright that if we so choose, we can walk on a path of healing towards sovereignty. Sovereignty is the ability to be in service to our own well-being... to be our own self-governing agent.
Healing occurs when there is a capacity for vulnerability, awareness, bravery, discovery, learning, processing and growth...ultimately leading oneself closer towards sovereignty, authenticity and wholeness. This is a part of our mission as souls/spiritual beings living through the human experience - We are here to gain knowledge, grow and sometimes heal as a result of lived experiences.
Energy healing is a broad term that involves any method or technique that taps into the body’s innate ability to heal through working with its energetic flow.
Energy is known as the life that flows through the body (and the world) - aka Lifeforce, Prana, Chi, etc.
Energy lives within the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of self. In order to heal (from anything), it's absolutely crucial to work with the energy of influence. Energy work addresses the underlying flow of energy and operates within that intrinsic level of flow.
There are many modalities that fall into this category. Energy healing describes the services that I offer in a simple and inclusive manner.
Intuitive healing occurs by way of communication through strengthened inner senses, such as clairvoyance (clear sight), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling) and claircognizance (clear knowing).
The use of intuition is intrinsic to every healing modality that I offer. For example - During energetic discussion, we are opening to and reading the energy of the body, sometimes through conversing about life situations and occurrences, to gain information and clarity.
Intuitive healing techniques display the energetics at play in a client’s body and life. This provides a clearer picture to understand, work with and assist the client’s energy into greater equilibrium, power and harmony. The use of intuition clarifies the picture of what is being worked with and how it is being worked with.
Shamanism is the oldest spiritual tradition on the planet. It’s a practice, and often a lifestyle, that brings greater harmony, love, reverence and reciprocity into the Reservoir of Life - Body, Mind and Soul. Shamanic practices exist in cultures all over the world and date back to the beginning of humankind.
The word “shaman” originates from the Tungus language in Siberia/Russia and translates as “the one who knows” or “the one who sees in the dark”. Shamanic healing includes the use of ancient practices to bridge the gap between the everyday, physical world and the subtle, spiritual world for specific healing purposes.
Shamanic practitioners walk ‘between the worlds’ of the ‘seen and unseen’. They endure an ‘initiation’ that ‘opens their senses’ before going into a practice of the healing arts. This is often by way of extreme adversity or difficulty. You can read more about my journey and approach within the healing arts here.
Shamanic healing work naturally expands consciousness for the practitioner and client. It opens the door for direct communication with the client’s energy.
A large portion of shamanic healing is geared towards creating an environment for “right relationship” between the client and their invisible helping allies or spirit guides. These allies yearn to clarify, support and empower the work as well as the client’s overall healing and journey of growth.
Shamanic healing understands that an imbalance of Spirit will result in an imbalance of mind, emotions and/or body. To resolve imbalances of any kind, the practitioner and client work together to repair the root - The place of energetic origin. When one’s Spirit is whole, balanced and fulfilled, it creates a strong inner foundation and positive ripple effect that permeates throughout self outwardly into life.
Shamanic healing modalities include journeywork, energy reclamation, energy retrieval, energy restoration, energy extraction, curse unraveling, spirit release, ancestral/generational healing, past life healing, ceremonial work, blessing work and more.
I utilize shamanic techniques with every client during preparation, conversation, diagnostics and treatment of a variety of energetic concerns.
The word somatic is defined as being related to the body, rather than the mind. Fundamentally, yoga, dance, meditation, song, art and many others can be considered somatic practices. Clinical somatic therapies include EMDR which is helpful for the treatment of trauma.
What I call spirit-guided somatic healing work is a method I utilize for clients who experience an excess of blocked or suppressed/repressed energy in their body. It’s extremely common to experience a disconnect to the body, and this can occur for many, many reasons.
This technique assists in the opening of the body’s energetic channels through creating space for the exploration of sensory perception: sensation, emotion, thought, imagery and movement.
Spirit-based somatic healing work creates a held and supported environment to release or circulate stuck energy, so that energy within the client's body can do what it naturally knows how to do...which is flow. This is possible through receiving Spirit’s support and through the client’s curiosity, willingness and exploration of their own energy. As this occurs, channels within the client’s body begin to open, and therefore energy flows through them with greater spaciousness and ease. This is possible through being and breathing with the energy that's coming from the somatic well within.
This technique fosters a pathway to begin to mend the flow of energy from the body to the mind. There is often a downshifting or off-gassing of energetic buildup in the nervous system throughout this practice.
This is an experiential technique, which means it’s experience-based for the client. The practitioner holds neutrality and facilitates the client’s experience by asking appropriate questions, expressing reminders of breath and presence, and invoking specific curiosity and inquiry so the client can continue to explore, experience and be with the energy that's presenting within.
The energy in our body is deeply interwoven with all that has been, is now and all that will come to be. The optimality and vitality of our Mind, Body and Spirit are dictated by our energy.
Everyone can benefit from healing work, and especially for those with specific concerns or ailments that are currently presenting in their space/body/life.
Healing work allows you to address, resolve and repair energy that lives within and around you. When healing of energy takes place, it creates a compounding and profound effect on everything else in life.
This process works on the root energetic cause and occurs from the inside out, rather than the outside in.
For myself as the practitioner, my goal is to partner with each client in support of their unique healing and growth journey. Sometimes, this means providing referrals for additional care outside of my field of work.
For clients, the result is to live in greater harmony and communion with their True-Self.
Through working with a client’s energy, the practitioner and client co-create an environment to clarify what needs to be clarified, resolve what needs to be resolved and restore what needs to be restored.
When the practitioner and client work together to illuminate and peel away the layers of energetic imbalance, conditioning, projection, limitation and blockages, the client’s authentic Soul-Light shines from deep within and flows through the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of self and life. This creates an environment for greater ease, power, authenticity, truth, love, harmony, wholeness and more.
“Success” is often a work in progress and transforms into a practice/lifestyle for clients. My personal opinion is success is about the progressive journey and is not a fixed end result. Energy within life is ever-flowing-and-ever-changing. It’s about HOW we flow through that matters most, rather than landing in a specific location along the way that equals “success”.
This represents the client’s unique way of moving through their healing journey.
Each person processes energy in life differently, and each person comes in with their own 'energetic backpack', therefore each person has their own process of unpacking their 'backpack' and healing their energy.
Healing work varies in specificity, intensity and regularity depending on the client’s needs and individual healing process.
Some clients like to come on an as-needed basis, or some prefer to come on a regular basis.
Although any amount of the work is beneficial - In order to receive the most benefit, thoroughness and completion within the work, I share my recommendations per client depending on the context.
The recommended regularity for sessions is every 1-5 weeks for a period of time. For some, this is shorter or longer and depends on the client’s needs. Regularity is ideal to build momentum to work with the energetic layers of complexity within a client’s space and allow proper time in between sessions for processing and integration.
The goal is at some point, healing work will be utilized for upkeep or maintenance once the foundation of energetic authenticity, harmony, flow and ease is cultivated, strengthened and mostly self-sufficient.
By nature, we are fundamentally layered beings - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This compounds when our inner layers intermingle with the outer layers or aspects of life.
Energetic concerns, ailments or imbalances that have existed for many years, decades, lifetimes or generations often require time, space and energy to work through.
Usually, what surfaces for a client is simply the symptomatic appearance - Often, there is a great line of underlying energy to follow, move through and work with, in order to reach the source of the energy in a thorough and complete manner.
Throughout the Healing Process, an energetic layer presents in accordance with the client’s right-timing and threshold of openness and readiness, so that the energy within it can be acknowledged, worked with or resolved in a way that’s as beneficial as possible.
Once the work within a specific layer is complete, it creates space for what lives in the underlying layer to surface, and then the process repeats.
The compounding effect of energetic layering mirrors that of the Spiral - The Divine energy that encompasses the Universe on the macro and the micro. Each time we flow around the Spiral of Life, our threshold expands so that we gain greater understanding or perspective, so that we heal in a more complete way or continue to integrate core lessons in support of our Soul’s evolution.
Not at all - Healing work opens the door to connect YOU to YOU…to help you remember who you really are. Intrinsically, we all are Spirit at our core.
It’s common for clients to first come in seeking a greater (spiritual) connection to oneself, one’s life or others, along with their other personal concerns/intentions. Oftentimes at first, clients are not sure how to ‘do it’ or ‘find it’.
This is no problem and could be a part of the criteria that’s needed in order to initiate a deeper commitment for clients towards themselves and the work. As the work evolves, clients become more secure in their authenticity, flow and (spiritual) connectedness in a way that works for them.
In order for the work to be of greatest benefit and effectiveness, being spiritual is not required, although having a certain level of curiosity and openness for the process is.
It's no problem to be unfamiliar with this territory of work - That's what I'm here for!
These sessions, offered in person at my office in Louisville, CO and via zoom, shine light on your energy, body, mental space, emotions, conditioning, life experiences and more. Each session helps to clear and illuminate a pathway for Soul connection and direction!
Join me in person or online from anywhere in the world for a variety of special events, classes, workshops, courses, trainings and retreats that combine the benefits of yoga, meditation, spirit journeying, energy healing, shamanic practice, ceremony and more!
Book a private yoga session or join me for a weekly public yoga class to support your Mind/Body/Spirit system!
I realize this work requires you to be comfortable and ready on many levels. You may choose to book a FREE phone consult to connect with me first to determine if/how we can work together. No commitment necessary! You can also visit the FAQs page to learn more about 1:1 work.